  • 主要 BS会计 & 工商管理硕士
  • 工作经历 Certified Public Accountant at DAC Advisory Services

What do you do on a day-to-day basis?

I work with individuals and small businesses as a tax and general business advisor. As the owner of my own business, I do a lot of networking and practice development as well as technical tax work for my clients. I also volunteer in my community, serving on the Board of Directors for an organization called Sandpipers, which accounts for time in each of my days. You can also find me playing tennis or golf on a daily basis or swimming laps in the pool, practicing yoga or getting my butt kicked in a spin class. 生活 is all about balance. 

My experience 卡内基梅隆大学 helped mold me into a well-rounded human. Earning by BS in Accounting and 工商管理硕士 ensured I was compliant with all requirements to practice as a CPA in Colorado and in California, where I currently live and work.

What was your transition like from being a student to your current career position? 

I remember it being a bit of a shock, but a fun challenge. The hardest part for me was going from wearing comfortable gym clothes each day to dressing in business casual attire.

What do you think set you apart from the other applicants for your current position?

I believe my attitude and personable demeanor have set me apart throughout my journey in the accounting world and have taken me a long way in growing my tax practice.

What advice would you give to incoming college students?

Embrace every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. Take personal accountability for your experiences and try not to dismiss anything as pointless. There will likely be a time down the road when you will realize how important and impactful all your college moments were. 哦,祝你玩得开心!

Connect with Drisa on LinkedIn



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